People across South Ayrshire are being given the chance to help shape the way their communities will change in the coming decade. The last two in a series of joint meetings held by the Council and the Community Planning Partnership aim to engage with local people on a broad range of issues, including local planning, quality of life, and community justice.
The move comes as the Council begins to prepare the new Local Development Plan (LDP), a document that will act as a guide to developments for the next 5-10 years, including information on where development should and should not take place.
The LDP will cover all land uses, including: housing, transport, business and industry, tourism, coastal development and protection, green belt, renewable energy, office development, waste, and woodland.
The Community Planning Partnership (CPP) is looking into the issues that communities would like to see taken forward in the areas of improving the quality of peoples' lives, and ways of improving community justice in the next decade.
Following a series of events at the end of 2016, the final two interactive drop-in sessions* are now being held:
Tuesday 17 January - Girvan and South Carrick villages - Carrick Opportunities Centre, Henrietta Street, Girvan
Thursday 19 January - Prestwick - Prestwick Academy, Newdykes Road, Prestwick
The sessions all run between 5:00pm and 8:00pm (with brief presentations given on the Local Development Plan at 5.30 and 7.00pm). Further sessions will be held in Prestwick and Girvan in the New Year and the dates for these will be confirmed shortly.
Councillor Bill Grant, South Ayrshire Council's Portfolio Holder for Economic Development, Tourism & Leisure said, "By directly engaging with our communities from an early stage we're giving people the chance to have a say about what they think's important in their local area.
"By understanding which areas are most likely to be at the centre of activity in the coming years, we aim to make sure that future development needs mirror the wishes of the people wherever possible.
"The latest sessions will play an important part in helping to shape what happens in communities for years to come, and we hope the events are well attended."
If you would like further information contact Adrian Browne: or on 01292 616 324.
*The drop-in sessions will help inform decisions around three planning documents: The Local Development Plan (development and land use), the Local Outcomes Improvement Plan, and the Community Justice Outcomes Improvement Plan.