The Friends of Robert Burns Birthplace Museum will be hosting a unique, all-day, non-stop performance of works of Robert Burns on Sunday 26 January.
Taking place in the iconic Burns Cottage, where the Bard was born in the village of Alloway, South Ayrshire, the group will perform continuously from 10:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m.
The date of 26 January represents the anniversary of the day Burns was christened there, following his birth on 25 January 1759.
Alison Wilson, a volunteer at the Robert Burns Birthplace Museum and member of the Friends group, said:
“We feel this is a completely fresh and new way of celebrating the National Bard of Scotland; our research hasn’t discovered any comparable attempts to perform Burns’ works continuously in this way.
“Our intention is to perform uninterrupted throughout the full day, from the museum’s opening time until darkness is falling. As Burns said in a lesser-known part of Auld Lang Syne, ‘Frae morning sun to dine.’
“This will be a special celebration of Burns’ life and works and we invite everyone to stop by for as little or as much of the performance as they can.”
The Robert Burns Birthplace Museum houses more than 5,000 Burns artefacts including his handwritten manuscripts. Both the Museum and Burns Cottage, where the poet was born and spent the first years of his life, are open daily throughout the year.
For more information, visit