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It's a family affair as the John Rodie Library officially opens

Book lovers in Annbank and Mossblown are being welcomed to the community's brand new library, which is now officially open for business. 

The replacement, created alongside the new Annbank Primary extension, offers a bright, modern community space where people can browse for their new favourite novels. The guests of honour at the official opening were Margaret, Gordon and Christopher Rodie, daughter, son and grandson of the well-known Mossblown poet, John Rodie, in whose memory the library has been named. The library was delivered as part of the £2million Annbank Primary extension project which is part of a £94million pipeline of works being delivered across South Ayrshire in the next year, with the aim of enhancing standards through targeted investment. The main contractor for the project was Ashleigh (Scotland) Ltd. Councillor Brian McGinley, Portfolio Holder for Economic Development, Tourism & Leisure said the new library was another positive contribution to the village, "We're committed to investing in our rural communities and this new library is the latest addition to the set-up here at Annbank Primary. "Named after a well-loved local poet it's fitting that close members of John Rodie's family were able to be here today to join the celebration of his life's work as his name is officially dedicated to this fantastic new facility. "The feedback about the new building has been positive and the library is a huge improvement on what was available before; something that will leave a lasting legacy in Annbank and Mossblown." Visitors will benefit from a custom built facility with colourful fittings, internet access, free Wi-Fi, areas for public events and a newly introduced 'Meeting Pod' which can be used for informal chats, small group meetings or private discussions. Any group looking for a small, comfortable meeting space in library opening hours are welcome to come along. As well as the books from the old library now decanted into the new building and ready to lend the new building has also benefited from the injection of a selection of more than 800 brand new titles.

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