Brothers Mason and Finn from Darvel Primary have won a £50 East Ayrshire gift card for taking part in the recycling at home campaign – Dinnae forget your Caddy!

On receiving their prize from Councillor Graham Barton, a delighted Mason said:
“I am really happy because I have spent all my own money!”
Dinnae forget your Caddy, which launched last year in Early Childhood Centres, Primary and Secondary Schools across East Ayrshire, encourages whole communities to recycle their food waste. Families have got involved by naming and decorating their kerbside caddy, recycling their food waste each day and presenting their caddy for collection each week.
Recycling crews have been keeping a look out for the named caddies and, until May next year, will choose their ‘favourite caddy of the month’, with the winning family receiving a £50 East Ayrshire gift card.
Mason and Finn called their caddy Zeus. The community waste officers spotted the caddy on their route and loved the unusual name, selecting it as their first ever ‘favourite caddy of the month’!
Councillor Graham Barton, Spokesperson for Planning, Property and Environment was joined at Darvel Primary by James Lally, Climate Change Lead Officer and Vicky McWilliam, Principal Teacher of Climate Change and Active Travel.
Councillor Barton said:
“What a pleasure to meet Mason and to present him with his prize, which he will be sharing with his brother Finn. The boys have been enthusiastic supporters of Dinnae forget your Caddy and have got the whole family involved in recycling their food waste, which is exactly what we were hoping to achieve.

“69% of food waste in East Ayrshire, isn’t recycled. It is essential to tackle the climate emergency and meet net zero targets that more households across East Ayrshire start recycling their food waste. There’s lots of helpful information online to help you both reduce the amount of food waste you have and how to recycle food waste properly.”
Darvel Primary Head Teacher David McIlwraith said:
“We’re proud to support East Ayrshire Council’s Dinnae Forget Your Caddy campaign, which highlights the importance of food waste recycling for a sustainable future. Every small action, like using your caddy, helps reduce landfills and we're very proud of Finn and Mason's caddy name! They are fantastic ambassadors for our school and community!”
Find out more about Dinnae forget your Caddy and keep up-to-date with our progress.
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