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'Save Kittens' from Prestwick Pet Aquarium goes viral

AN ONLINE petition to save distressed kittens from the Pets Aquarium in Prestwick has received over 5000 signatures.

The 'Save kittens from Pet Aquarium in Prestwick' petition was launched on by Jade-Louise Connell after a Facebook status from Prestwick girl Sophie McNicol about the conditions the animals were kept in.

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The Facebook status said:

"I went to the pet shop in Prestwick earlier because my friend told me they had kittens for sale and I wanted to see them, and these poor little babies are stuck in a tiny, tiny cage in a freezing cold, smelly little room that's probably as big as I am tall.

"My heart is honestly breaking. I've never been in a pet shop that sells kittens before so I don't know if this is the normal conditions that pet shops keep their animals in but it almost brought me to tears, no animal deserves to be kept in these conditions and if I had the money I would've bought them all and personally found them all homes."

Senior Inspector Karl Knowles, of the SSPCA, said: "We are aware of an online petition regarding a pet shop selling kittens in Prestwick and we have attended the premises following calls to our animal helpline.

"Although the kittens were not at the pet shop during my visit, I was able to assess them and found them to be in good condition and old enough to be without their mother.

The petition has over 5,000 signatures and hundreds of comments.

Supporters are up in arms.

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