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Police in Ayrshire are warning the public to be aware of bogus telephone calls from fake scammers claiming to be from communications providers in order to gain access to computers and personal data.

According to Ayrshire Police Division on Facebook, residents have contacted Police Scotland over the last few weeks regarding 'Suspicious' phone calls.

After the Ayrshire Daily News experiencing the 'scam' - we know exactly what they are after - During the call residents are told that there is an issue with their computer, broadband or telephone line. The annonymus caller then attempts to retreive access to the computer by trying to convince the home owner.

A spokesperson for Ayrshire Police Division commented "bogus callers are often very convincing - they are skilled in what they do. Unfortunately, telephone scams are not unusual and people are often caught out by the plausible nature of the person on the other end of the line.

"This is a well known scam across the UK and we would like to take this opportunity to remind people to stay vigilant and to think twice if they are ever offered something that is to be too good to be true or when they receive an unexpected call".

Ayrshire Police Division Facebook page provided the public with tips on protecting yourself from this scam, take a look!

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