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Team host Ardrossan sea cadets for station visit


The Ardrossan Coastguard Rescue Team welcomed the Ardrossan Sea Cadets to the Coastguard station during last night's planned training session.

The team provided the Sea Cadet unit with a full station tour and presentation on the work of the Coastguard Rescue Service looking at the wide range of operational capabilities including water rescue, technical rope rescue and land search management.

After a look at some of the team's rescue equipment, the team rellocated to a location nearby for a water rescue training session which was observed by the Sea Cadet Unit, providing them an opportunity to see first hand how the Coastguard operate.

The cadets were also able to gain potentially life saving water safety advice including how to combat the effects of cold water shock if they unexpectedtly find themselves in cold water by rembering three simple words - FLOAT TO LIVE.

Our thanks to the Ardrossan Sea Cadet unit and we look forward working alongside them later in the month on a pre-planned multi-agency training exercise.

The Ardrossan Coastguard Rescue Team regularly host organised visits to the team's rescue station for lcoal community groups and partner agencies.

If your group would like to request a visit to the station to learn more about the life saving work of the Coastguard then please get in touch via our social media feeds or via e-mail at:

Search and Rescue - it's what we do.

In a coastal, beach or cliff emergency dial 999 and ask for the Coastguard.

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