Exotic crafts, street foods, gifts and flowers from all over the globe are returning to Kilmarnock Town Centre next month, as the ever popular Global Market comes to town from Thursday 11 to Sunday 14 July.

The market never fails to draw the crowds, with many shoppers visiting from far afield in search of something a bit unusual from the stalls whose traders genuinely hail from all over the world from Morocco to China and beyond.
Councillor Jim Roberts, Cabinet Member for Economy and Infrastructure said: “Every time the market visits we’re delighted with the public response. As with so many of the events that are run in the town centre, people prove time and again that if we put on something fun and lively they’ll come out to support it. That has to be good for the town, the businesses around the town centre and the accommodation providers who always get a boost to their bookings when the market comes to town.
“Many of the local retailers take the opportunity to boost sales with special promotions, and for many of the visitors, a walk round the market will persuade them that it’s worth coming back for another look at the shops, coffee bars and eateries which are there all year round, providing a very personal service and something a bit different.”
The market will run from 9am to 6pm Thursday to Saturday and from 10am until 6pm on Sunday.