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Help shape future plans for an exciting new public space in Ayr Town Centre

As a direct response to the positive feedback from the recent Ayr Your Views consultation to create a new public space on the Riverside site at the bottom of Ayr High Street,  South Ayrshire Council are looking to provide the public with an opportunity to experience the site for themselves. 

It is hoped that this new public space will provide an exciting opportunity to enliven the town centre with a programme of events and festivals as well as being a great place to rest, relax and get together in Ayr.

For one evening only the council will be taking down the boarding and allowing the public safe access to the space to get a flavour of what could be, between 6pm and 8pm on Sunday 27 October 2019. 

There will be a 30-minute outdoor cinema experience to help demonstrate the past, present and possible for the site.

The event is timed to coincide with the climax of the Day o’ The Deid Procession (part of Tamfest) as it finishes its journey through the town.  

Officers will be available from 11am on the day in one of the retail units directly across from the site to answer questions and to speak to people to find out what they would like to see. Artistic group WAVEparticle will be on hand to film interviews which will be part of the cinema experience later in the evening.

Councillor Douglas Campbell, Leader of South Ayrshire Council said: “This event is a great opportunity to get our communities involved in creating a space everyone can use. This is another important milestone towards the vision for Ayr Town Centre which builds upon the town’s existing assets for locals and visitors alike.”

Councillor Brian McGinley, South Ayrshire Council’s Portfolio Holder for Economic Development, Tourism and Leisure said: “Creating a new public space at the bottom of the high street will increase footfall in our town and boost our local economy. Everyone with an interest in the future of Ayr Town Centre will have the opportunity to put their ideas forward to help develop proposals for the site.”

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